
At the International Institute for Responsible Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Governance, we believe that exemplary governance is crucial to fulfilling our mission.
We are committed to operating with the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability, ensuring that our work in promoting ethical AI aligns with our own organizational practices.

Governance Structure

Our governance structure is designed to provide effective oversight, strategic direction, and operational efficiency:

  1. Board of Directors: The Board of Directors is the highest governing body of the Institute. It is responsible for setting strategic direction, ensuring financial sustainability, and overseeing the Institute's overall performance.
  2. Executive Leadership: Led by the Executive Director, our leadership team is responsible for day-to-day operations and implementing the strategic vision set by the Board.
  3. Advisory Board: Comprised of external experts, our Advisory Board provides valuable insights and guidance on emerging trends and challenges in AI ethics and governance.
  4. Committees: We have several standing committees that focus on specific aspects of our governance:
    • Executive Committee
    • Ethics and Governance Committee
    • Finance and Audit Committee
    • Programs and Impact Committee
    • Nominating and Board Development Committee

Key Governance Documents

We are committed to transparency in our governance. The following key documents are available for public review:

  • Bylaws: Our bylaws outline the fundamental rules governing the operation of our Institute.
  • Policies: This includes our operational policies, ethical guidelines, and decision-making procedures.
  • Annual Reports: Our annual reports provide a comprehensive overview of our activities, achievements, and financial performance each year.
  • Financial Statements: We publish our audited financial statements to ensure full transparency in our financial operations.

Ethical Standards and Compliance

We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards:

  1. Code of Ethics: Our Code of Ethics outlines the principles and values that guide our work and decision-making.
  2. Conflict of Interest Policy: This policy ensures that personal or professional interests do not interfere with the Institute's mission.
  3. Whistleblower Policy: We encourage and protect those who report any suspected unethical or illegal conduct.

Transparency and Accountability

We are committed to open communication with our stakeholders:

  • Regular updates on our activities and impact through our website and newsletters
  • Timely responses to inquiries from the public, media, and regulatory bodies
  • Participation in external evaluations and audits

Financial Oversight

We maintain rigorous financial management practices:

  • Annual budgeting process overseen by the Board of Directors
  • Regular financial reviews by the Finance and Audit Committee
  • Annual independent audits to ensure financial integrity

Our commitment to exemplary governance reflects our dedication to our mission. By operating with integrity, transparency, and accountability, we aim to set a standard for ethical practices in the field of AI governance.